ٿوڪ پارڪر PGP511 سيريز المونيم پمپ ڪاريگر
برانڊ: | Parker V14 Series Motor |
درجه بندي دٻاء: | 42ايم پي اي |
وڌ ۾ وڌ دٻاءُ: | 48ايم پي اي |
رفتار جي حد: | 50-6500آر پي ايم |
اسان ايماندار تعاون جي اصول تي قائم آهيون, معيار پهريون اچي ٿو ۽ گراهڪن جي اعلي.
اسان پنهنجي گراهڪن کي وقف خدمت سان خدمت ڪندا آهيون, گراهڪن جي گهڻن گهرجن کي پورو ڪرڻ.
پيداوار جي وضاحت
ڪمپني پروفائل
- quanzou ڊيلفي مشينري واپاري ڪمپني ڪمپني, Ltd is an integrated manufacturing and trade company with expertise in hydraulic products.
- We design and produce high-quality hydraulic valves, پٽو, motors and other hydraulic components. Our products include piston pumps, گيئر پمپ, vane pumps and hydraulic motors.
Our hydraulic solutions find applications in a wide range of industries:
•Cutting machine hydraulics
•Plastic machinery hydraulics
•Forging and pressing machine hydraulics
•Construction and mining equipment hydraulics
•Metallurgy machinery hydraulics
•Agricultural and forestry equipment hydraulics
•Marine hydraulics
•Industrial hydraulic power packs
Backed by our technical experts, manufacturing specialists and after-sales support team, we aim to provide superior quality products along with exceptional customer service.
We adhere to the principles of honest cooperation, quality first and customer focus. We strive to fulfill all clients’ needs through dedicated and personalized solutions.
Our goal is to be a trusted partner for your hydraulic requirements through reliable products, professional expertise and outstanding service.
پيداوار جي ماپ
برانڊ:Parker V14 Series Motor
- نامناسب لڏپلاڻ:110 160
- ريٽيڊ پريشر:42ايم پي اي
- وڌ ۾ وڌ دٻاءُ:48ايم پي اي
- اسپيڊ رينج:50-6500آر پي ايم
- ريٽيڊ اسپيڊ:3000-5700آر پي ايم