منتخب ڪريو صفحو

Wholesale Medium Pressure Hydraulic Piston Pumps PVP Series Parker Supplier


Rexroth A11V سيريز پمپ

درجه بندي دٻاء:

35ايم پي اي

وڌ ۾ وڌ دٻاءُ:

40ايم پي اي

رفتار جي حد:

2100-3500آر پي ايم

اسان ايماندار تعاون جي اصول تي قائم آهيون, معيار پهريون اچي ٿو ۽ گراهڪن جي اعلي.

اسان پنهنجي گراهڪن کي وقف خدمت سان خدمت ڪندا آهيون, گراهڪن جي گهڻن گهرجن کي پورو ڪرڻ.

پيداوار جي وضاحت

ڪمپني پروفائل

Quanzhou Delphi Machinery is an integrated manufacturer and trader of hydraulic products.

We specialize in designing and manufacturing high-quality hydraulic valves, پٽو, motors and other parts. اسان جي پراڊڪٽ جي حد ۾ پستن پمپ شامل آهن, گيئر پمپ, vane pumps and hydraulic motors.

Our hydraulic components support a wide range of industrial applications:

• Cutting machine hydraulics
• Plastic machinery hydraulics
• Forging and pressing machine hydraulics
• Construction and mining equipment hydraulics
• Metallurgy machinery hydraulics
• Agricultural and forestry equipment hydraulics
• Marine hydraulics
• Industrial hydraulic power packs

Backed by our technical expertise, manufacturing capabilities and after-sales support, we aim to provide customers with superior products and service. We adhere to the principles of honest cooperation, quality excellence and customer focus. Our dedicated and personalized solutions fulfil all client needs. Our goal is to be a trusted hydraulic solutions partner through reliable products, professional know-how and outstanding service. With honest cooperation as our foundation, quality as our goal and customers as our priority, we serve clientsmultifaceted needs through customized hydraulic solutions.

پيداوار جي ماپ

برانڊ:Rexroth A11V سيريز پمپ

  • ريٽيڊ پريشر:35ايم پي اي
  • نامناسب لڏپلاڻ:40 60 75 95 130 145 190 260
  • وڌ ۾ وڌ دٻاءُ:40ايم پي اي
  • اسپيڊ رينج:2100-3500آر پي ايم
  • ريٽيڊ اسپيڊ:1800-3000آر پي ايم

مصنوعات پيڪنگ