پيداوار جي وضاحت
ڪمپني پروفائل
quanzou ڊيلفي مشينري واپاري ڪمپني ڪمپني, Ltd is an integrated company that manufactures, develops, imports and exports products. The company’s product range includes hydraulic valves, پسٽن پمپ, گيئر پمپ, وين پمپ, موٽرون, ۽ ٻيا هائيڊولڪ حصا.
The company has a professional technical team, manufacturing team, and after-sales support team. The hydraulic motors are widely used in the hydraulic drive systems of cutting machines, پلاسٽڪ جي مشين, جڙڻ ۽ دٻائڻ واري مشين, mining and construction equipment, ڳري ڊيوٽي metallurgy مشينن, چمڙي جون مشينون, سامونڊي مشينون, پروسيسنگ بستر, light industry machines, agricultural machines, ٻيلن جي مشين, and hydraulic power units.
Products Features
- We offer customized OEM and ODM support according to your needs.
- Our hydraulic pumps can rotate in either direction.
- They are made of cast iron for durability.
- Features include high pressure output and low noise design.
- Our minimum order quantity is 1 piece.
- Products are packed on wooden pallets for protection.
- We provide a 1-year warranty and professional after-sales support services.
- Our pumps are fully interchangeable with original equipment equivalents.