منتخب ڪريو صفحو

BOSCH REXROTH R9 سيريز محوري پسٽن هائيڊولڪ پمپ وڪري لاءِ




لوھ جو ڪچو

وارنٽي مدت:



1 ٽڪرو

اسان ايماندار تعاون جي اصول تي قائم آهيون, معيار پهريون اچي ٿو ۽ گراهڪن جي اعلي.

اسان پنهنجي گراهڪن کي وقف خدمت سان خدمت ڪندا آهيون, گراهڪن جي گهڻن گهرجن کي پورو ڪرڻ.

پيداوار جي وضاحت

ڪمپني پروفائل

Quanzhou Delphi Machinery is an integrated manufacturer and trader focused on hydraulic solutions.

  1. We design and manufacture high-quality hydraulic valves, پسٽن پمپ, گيئر پمپ, vane pumps and other hydraulic components.Our teams of technical experts and production specialists ensure world-class product quality.
  2. Backed by our teams of technical experts, production specialists and after-sales professionals, we aim to provide the highest quality hydraulic products and services to meet all customer needs.
  3. Our commitment to honest cooperation, quality excellence and customer focus drives us to continuously improve and deliver the best hydraulic solutions and highest value to our customers.
  4. We aim to be your trusted partner and reliable source for all your hydraulic requirements.

Our hydraulic products power applications in various industries:

• Cutting machine hydraulics
• Plastic machinery hydraulics
• Forging and pressing machine hydraulics
• Mining and construction equipment hydraulics
• Metallurgy machinery hydraulics
• Agricultural and forestry equipment hydraulics
• Marine hydraulics
• Industrial hydraulic power units

پيداوار جي ماپ


سڌي طرف موڊ 22آرڊرنگ ڪوڊ
R901299774 DREE10-6X/100YG24K31A1V
R901269802 DREE10-6X/100YMG24K31A1V
R901273234 DREE10-6X/200YG24K31A1M
R901278309 DREE10-6X/315YMG24K31A1M
R901299828 DREE20-6X/100YG24K31A1V
R900954513 DREE30-4X/100YMG24K31M
R900954514 DREE30-4X/200YMG24K31M
R900974928 DREE30-4X/200YMG24K31V
R900954515 DREE30-4X/315YMG24K31M
R900954516 DREE30-4X/50YMG24K31M
  • – ڪسٽمائيز سپورٽ:OEM, او ڊي ايم
  • – گردش جي هدايت:مفت گردش
  • – مواد:لوھ جو ڪچو
  • – خاصيت:اعلي دٻاء ۽ گهٽ شور
  • – MOQ:1 ٽڪرو
  • – پيڪنگ:ڪاٺ جو تختو
  • – وارنٽي مدت: 1سال
  • – پيشه ور سيڪيورٽي خدمتون مهيا ڪري سگھن ٿا.
  • – مڪمل طور تي تبديل ٿيندڙ اصل سان.
  • – هائيڊولڪ سسٽم ٺهيل آهي, انسٽال ڪرڻ آسان, ۽ اسيمبلي چڪر مختصر آهي.
  • – هائيڊولڪ والوز جو هڪ وسيع سلسلو اعلي معيار سان ۽ هائيڊولڪ ايپليڪيشنن لاء قيمتي اثرائتي.

BOSCH REXROTH R9 Series Axial Piston Hydraulic Pumps

External gear pumps convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy through displacement of fluid between gear teeth.

High efficiency gear pumps feature:

• Pressure-dependent gap sealing to minimize leakage and heat loss
• High precision manufacturing ensuring close tolerances between gears

Other specifications:

• Drive shafts to ISO or SAE standards, as well as custom solutions
• Long service life due to slide bearings for high load capacity
• Consistent quality from high-volume production
• Port connections include flanges and threaded fittings

The benefits of high-efficiency external gear pumps include:

• Minimal heat generation, extending component life
• Reduced energy consumption
• Higher flow rates at lower rotational speeds
• Compact design

For your hydraulic applications requiring precise flow and pressure control, high-efficiency external gear pumps offer a reliable and economical solution. Our high manufacturing standards and extensive experience ensure we can configure the ideal gear pump to meet your specific requirements.

مصنوعات پيڪنگ

پنهنجو پيغام ڇڏي ڏيو